Monday 16 July 2012

台北 Day 1 (3rd July 2012)

My 2nd graduation trip to Taiwan with b!! We chose to travel in July because it's off-peak period, and most importantly to commemorate our 11th month on the 3rd! Hugs to friends who dropped a text/whatsapp before I fly. I love you guys!! 

This whole trip was sponsored almost entirely by melmel; I only paid for my air ticket. In order to save up money for the trip, he took up 4 tuition assignments early this year, and only dropped 3 of them a few weeks back. My baby is the tuition 吸金王 hahahaa. 我是幸福的!!

We did our research and planned the itinerary together, but I helped by sending emails (in 繁體中文) to look for accomodation, mostly minsu cos they are cheap and good!!

First stop: 西門町

 Us onboard Jetstar - the cheapest way to fly. The air tickets cost us about $320 per pax, way cheaper than what Tiger Airways offered then in February. 

 The colors and sharpness of this photo. iPhone camera is just AMAZING right?

We checked in at Neijiang Motel which is located in 西門町  area at about 2pm, and we were starving like mad cows. We were like: Okay must buy BBT, eat oh luah mee sua, and fried ckn!!

 Land of BBT! Must drink at least one cup every day. Horribly sinful IKR. We had 仙草奶果凍! Yummmmmmmy. 

 NTD60 for big bowl, NTD45 for small bowl.


Must-eat 獻酥雞! 

After a high-caloried lunch, we boarded the train to the photoshoot studio to meet the people. I think I didn't tell many people about this, but mel & I were planning to go Taiwan already back in January, and one very fateful day we got approached by this Taiwan wedding photoshoot company outside Tampines Mall. Of course IKR we aren't getting married why take wedding photos, but they suggested we could take couple photoshoots, and offered us an unbelievably awesome deal, andddddd... we took it. 

So at the studio, we picked up our gowns and suits for the photoshoot, and met the in-charge to discuss about the styles we prefer, and the places we would like to go.

The whole meeting took us almost the whole late afternoon.

We were starving like mad cows again & quickly headed back to 西門町 for dinner.

We settled for sushi in the end, cos its really cheap and we wanted something light. NTD30(about SGD 1.30) per plate, even for thick and fresh sashimi. b ordered 3 plates of salmon sashimi at one go, lol.

ZOMG this. I saw it on a taiwan food show before, and I vowed to eat it when I'm in taiwan. It's the best dessert I have ever eaten in my whole life.. You would never believe how parsley can actually make the whole crepe so delicious, coupled with the thin popiah skin, crushed peanuts and 古早味 yam ice-cream.

We ended the night with 魯肉飯 from a supper place opposite our motel. Sinful but who cares lah, it's not like I always eat supper hiakhiak :D

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